Create Youtube Video Thumbnail Image

A new extension was recently release by Google which was useful for all the YouTube lovers and today in this post we will be telling you the way to exploit it, you can call this extension as YouTube thumb and this extension helps you to preview the video by taking your pointer over it. This will show you the thumbnails of the video which will help you to take a glance at the full video.
This extension can be downloaded from the link shown below, not this link will help you see the preview of the video in from of few thumbnails and that is the reason this extension has been named as YouTube Thumb. It will keep on rotating those images again and again and will help you to see that video at certain instant of time. Now if you want to download the thumbnail of those videos then you can follow the steps mentioned below and then you will be able to get those thumbnail views of that video.
The steps are mentioned as follow.
  • First of all get the Video ID of that link from the URL of the video, the video ID is the code written after ‘v=’, it has been shown below in the snapshot.
  • Now open a new tab and paste the following link mentioned below.
  • Now in this link add that Video ID with the selected code and then replace ‘#’ with any integer number but try to keep that number small, then click Go to run that link you will be able to see the thumbnail view.
image image
  • When you will enter 0 in that integer place then you will see a thumbnail of bigger size as compared to the previous ones.
We will keep you updated with any new changes found related to this topic or any other topic which is related to it but anyhow if you get to know anything related to the news topics mentioned above then please do not hesitate to share it with us, just put it down in the comments section and if we found it genuine then we will be sharing that piece of information with all the other readers on your behalf, so keep searching something useful and then let us know about it. Till then keep reading, take care of yourself and have a nice day!!!


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