Ovi Life Tools to Launch Healthcare Channels in India and Indonesia

Hi I am Jawahar and I want to share some thoughts with you today. Yesterday was celebrated the world over as the World Health Day. Yesterday across the world several well being conventions happened, health drives organized where thinkers and leaders provided inspiration on how to make world a better (and healthy) place to live. Me and my team is also dedicated to this cause and Ovi by Nokia is doing its bit for the improving heath care. With the ever gaining popularity of mobile phones and especially its growing adoption in emerging markets we have a great platform in Nokia’s Ovi Life Tools which becomes the perfect vehicle to distribute such information over SMS and displayed in easy to read format using text and graphics for the next billion people who are just getting mobile.

Following on the steps of the very promising reception in both China and Nigeria, Life Tools will next launch its healthcare channel in India and Indonesia soon. The healthcare service topics varies from market to market but includes things like pregnancy and childcare, respiratory, hepatitis B, women’s health, men’s health, diabetes and general health and fitness. Think of the amount of people in rural areas of emerging markets without health facilities close-by – simple health awareness messages and information like these can help make a difference in their lives.

Visit Nokia Conversations for a recent article related to Ovi Life Tools or find us on the web at www.nokia.com, under your country page. Also, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. My colleague Mukul will respond to you and take your feedback back to our team
- Jawahar

Jawahar Kanjilal is the Global Head of Ovi Life Tools at Nokia


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