Send your updates on orkut via SMS for free!

Have you ever wanted to send a message to your orkut friends but could not because he had no computer nearby? It is precisely for times like this, you only have one phone in their hands, we launched orkut SMS , a feature that allows you to post new messages in orkut, anytime and anywhere, directly from your phone - even if he did not have internet access.

Even better, this service is completely free ! Neither orkut or your carrier will charge for any text message (SMS) you send or receive SMS through orkut. So you can use orkut SMS at will.

Just send an SMS to 67588 (the keys that represent the letters "ORKUT" on your phone), and what you write will be posted on this message to your orkut profile. You will receive a confirmation SMS, also free, and your friends will see your message in the "friend updates" them.

For now, this launch phase, the orkut SMS works only with the operator TIM in Brazil. We are working to include more operators, so bear this blog to stay inside.

How to use orkut SMS:

To start using this free service, you only need to add and confirm your mobile number into the settings window orkut.

Then simply send text messages (SMS) for free to the number 67588 (the keys "ORKUT" on your phone) and telling their friends what you want. See more details visit / sms

Have fun sending messages from anywhere, and be sure to tell us what you think of this release. Remember that for now, orkut SMS will only work on TIM's network. 


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