Windows 8 may RTM in April 2012

We have earlier reported that Windows 8 would be released in 2012. Today reports are coming via Mary Jo foley that Windows 8 may RTM by April 2012. Earlier Steve Ballmer reported that Windows 8 would be released next year.
She also reported that the beta version of Windows 8 would be available during Build and not the preview or pre Beta build. According to her the RTM version of Windows 8 for x86, Windows 8 for ARM/SoC (system on a chip) and Windows 8 Server would be released at the same time. Further as already known Microsoft would be releasing two beta versions of Windows 8 and one RC version of Windows 8 would be released somewhere around January 2012. We have already seen the leaked Dell Roadmap stating that Windows 8 tablet would be released in first quarter of 2012 and so the early April release seems to be plausible.
Microsoft is going to hold Worldwide Partners conference next month and we expect Microsoft to show Windows 8 during the conference. Further according to our sources Microsoft would started working on Windows 8 beta stage soon.


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