Installing Win XP Pro via UFD (Universal Flash Device)

This small tutorial is designed to help those in need of installing Microsoft Windows XP on any PC that is capable of booting from a UFD (USB Flash Device). Hopefully, you will find this as easy and problem free as I have.
I must send out thanks to the people at, as that is where I learned how to perform this installation technique. Please, visit their site and instruction guide at:
The site includes hundreds of posts with problems and answers, as well as some technical details that I have left out.
For my experiment, I used the following:
· PNY 4 gig UFD
· Kingston 1 gig UFD
· Frankenstein home PC – running legit copy of Win XP Pro
· Win XP Pro – store bought (this makes sense if you understand the technical problems with copied discs as described on the site)
· Compaq TC1000 Tablet PC – as the first installed to system
· Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37
I hope you have fun with this! I did.
Prior to starting your work you will need to gather the following files/hardware:
1. Insert UFD to any open USB port
2. Create a workspace folder
a. I created a folder on my desktop called – USB OS Load Workspace
3. Extract the following files to your workspace folder
b. (I used v3.0.0.7 for my install)
4. Copy the PeToUSB executable file into the USB_prep8 folder
5. Within the USB_prep8 folder run the usb_prep8.cmd file by double clicking
a. Running the file will give a window that looks like this:
6. As instructed press any key to continue resulting in the following window:
7. Click “Start”
8. Click “Yes” to continue popup
9. Click “Yes” to format warning popup
10. Click “OK” to successful completion popup
11. After format is complete DO NOT close the window for PeToUSB
NOTE: When format is complete it will open a window displaying the contents of your flash disk. Close this window. An open window will prevent bootsect.exe from locking the drive and writing the bootsector correctly
12. Click on Start menu and click run – type cmd and press enter
13. Navigate via “CD” to folder where bootsect is stored (see step 2 and 3)
14. Once in your folder where the bootsect files are stored enter the following command
a. Bootsect.exe/nt52 J:
i. NOTE: in line of code above substitute the J: for the drive letter of your UFD that you want to copy OS setup files to
15. Press Enter
16. Ensure that “Successfully updated FAT filesystem bootcode.” message appears
17. Type Exit and press Enter to close cmd window
18. Click Close on the PeToUSB window
19. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 1 and press enter
20. Within the Browse For Folder window navigate to drive where Win XP CD or .iso is located and click OK
21. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 2 and press enter
22. Enter any UNUSED drive letter to create a Virtual Temp Drive
23. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 3 and press enter
24. Enter the drive letter of your chosen UFD – pay attention to enter same drive letter as you entered in Step 14 – and press Enter
25. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window enter 4 and press enter
26. Enter “Y” at command line to proceed with format and press enter
27. Ensure that you get message that formatting you Temp Drive was successful – Steps 21 and 22
28. Press any key to continue operation
29. Select “Yes” to Copy to USB Drive popup window
30. After setup files have copied to drive click on “Yes” for Change Migrate.inf popup window
31. Click on “Yes” to unmount virtual drive
32. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window press any key to continue
33. Within the usb_prep8.cmd window press any key to exit
34. Now take the newly formatted UFD and set target PC to boot from UFD and install
35. At first boot select Option 1 (the second option oddly enough) for text mode setup
36. From here it’s the same as a normal Win XP setup – when the text mode setup portion completes and system reboots select Option 2 (the first option) for GUI setup

How To Send, Reply Group Scraps In Old Orkut Interface

Orkut team has recently some new feature which is available on the new orkut interface, 
this new orkut feature allows you to send scraps to multiple group of friends on orkut. 
Just in case if you are not using the new orkut interface for any reason, 
here is how you can reply to 
group scrap on orkut using the old interface. 
In case you’re still using the older version of orkut and a friend of yours sends a message to multiple friends, including you among them, you will normally receive that scrap on your scrapbook page, as always happened. Right there in the scrap you’ll know that it’s a group scrap because we will tell you how many people were added to this group message, and you will have two options:
  1. You can click the traditional "reply" link to send a new scrap to your friend, as a reply to his message, exactly in the same way that you always did before this launch.
  2. You will also see a new link saying how many group replies were added to this scrap by other people (the other friends that also received this message). Because only the new orkut supports group replies, you can only view them or add your own in the new orkut. Therefore, if you click this new link, you’ll be taken to a page in the new orkut where you can see the original scrap, all the replies, and also an option to add your own and join in the group conversation.
As you can see, you don’t lose anything that you were used to.

What if the group scrap is also private?

If the group scrap that you received was also private, that scrap will be clearly identified and only be visible to you and the other people selected to receive this scrap, as decided by the first person who posted it. When you reply to a private scrap (either clicking "reply" or clicking the new link to view all the replies on new orkut), your reply will also be private.

Posted on 8/26/2010 03:38:00 PM | Categories:

Call Any Phone Number Free From Gmail [ Applies To US, Canada ]

Gmail team has just rolled out cool new feature which allows you to makes calls to any phone number directly from gmail interface. Calls to the U.S. and Canada will be free for at least the rest of the year and calls to other countries will be billed at our very low rates. They worked hard to make these rates really cheap (see comparison table) with calls to the U.K., France, Germany, China, Japan—and many more countries—for as little as $0.02 per minute. 
If you have a Google Voice phone number, calls made from Gmail will display this number as the outbound caller ID. And if you decide to, you can receive calls made to this number right inside Gmail, see instructions here for the same
Right now this feature has been rolled to U.S. based Gmail users over the next few days, so you’ll be ready to get started once “Call Phones” shows up in your chat list (you will need to install the voice and video plug-in if you haven’t already). If you’re not a U.S. based user or if you’re using Google Apps for your school or business—then you won’t see it quite yet, stay tuned to see it updated for you as well soon as per the they say they are working on it.
For more info, Check out
[ Source - Official Gmail Blog ]
Call Any Phone Number Free From Gmail [ Applies To US, Canada ]
Posted on 8/26/2010 03:34:00 PM | Categories:

New look for Gmail: Google updates Gmail Contacts

Google make Contacts easier to use, as well as for specific improvements like sorting by last name, keyboard shortcuts, and custom labels for phone numbers.GMAIL announced the overhauled version of Gmail Contacts on 10th August.

Contacts now works more like the rest of Gmail, so if you know how to use Gmail, now you should automatically feel comfortable in Contacts too. And you'll see a bunch of the features you've requested, including:
  • Keyboard shortcuts (go to Contacts and hit "?" for the full list)
  • Sort by last name (look under "More actions")
  • Custom labels for phone numbers and other fields
  • The ability to undo changes you've just made
  • Automatic saving
  • Structured name fields, so you can adjust titles, suffixes, and other name components
  • A bigger, more prominent notes field
GMAIL also improved the layout and made it easier to get to Contacts and Tasks. You'll see these links are now up at the top left corner of your account (along with a link for "Mail" that takes you back to your inbox).

If you’re not interested in Contacts or Tasks, you can hide these links by clicking near the right edge of "Mail." Overall, there's now a smaller header area that puts the first message in your inbox about 16 pixels higher on the screen than before.

If you use Google Apps, you won't see these updates to Contacts quite yet. GMAILalso actively working on making domain-specific features work well in the new interface and plan to make this new version of Contacts available to Google Apps customers too.
Posted on 8/25/2010 04:35:00 AM | Categories:

Wireless Network Hacking: Hacking Wireless Networks & How To Protect

You’ve set up your wireless network. You’ve been good, too – you gave your router a unique ID that won’t be easily mixed up with other wireless routers and you have secured the network with a password so not just any passer-by can piggyback off your network as a means of downloading South Park episodes. You don’t have to worry about hackers now, right?

Well, not so fast. Although you’ve taken the basic steps required you still need to be aware of some hacking methods that can be used to gain access to your network despite the safeguards you have in place. You also need to be very wary whenever you are using a wireless network that is not your own.

Let’s take a look at the techniques hackers use when hacking wireless networks and what you can do about it.


The simplest of all attacks, sniffing is the simple process of intercepting wireless data that is being broadcasted on an unsecured network. If you are at home, and your network is secured, you don’t have to worry too much about sniffing attacks. However, most networks that are in the wild are not secured, including many of them at hotels and coffee shops.

It is easy to take a “It won’t happen to me” attitude, particularly when you’re using the free WiFi at a favorite coffee haunt. Here’s the thing – the sniffer may not be one of your coffee sipping cohorts. Sniffers can just as easily be somewhere outside of the shop, merrily picking information off the airwaves. There is even an activity known as Wardriving that involves driving around a city picking up wireless data.

Google was recently busted for this activity when it was revealed that some of their Google Maps vehicles had also been picking up data from unsecured wireless networks as passed by. Google claimed it was accidental and that they meant no harm. Most Wardrivers also claim to be benevolent, often stating that they’re only trying to map out wireless networks. Still, it is easy to see how a malicious person could use this technique to try and steal sensitive data.
Full protection can only come from not using unsecured wireless networks. That may not be practical however, so your second best defense is to be careful about what information you send on an unsecured network. Before entering any information, be it a password or a comment on a blog, ask yourself – would I care if a stranger obtained this information?


If you’ve set up a wireless network you’ve probably noticed that your computers no longer need to be told to access your network. Instead they access it automatically as soon as they move within signal range.

This is a very convenient feature, but it is also prone to exploitation. Hackers often attack a wireless network by simply creating a new network with a stronger wireless signal and a copied SSID in the same area as a legitimate network. This causes unsuspecting computers to automatically connect to the spoofed network instead of the real one.

Setting up your computer’s security settings so that it does not automatically connect to networks is the best way to counter-act this threat. You can also try to protect your home network by using a free network mapping tool like Spiceworks. A sudden change in your network map is a sign your wireless network may is being hit by a spoofing attack.
Encryption Cracking

In a perfect world, you could set up your wireless network with an encryption key and be protected for life, but the real world simply doesn’t work that way. As encryption keys become more advanced hackers also increase their skills and develop new tools for penetrating even well protected wireless networks.

There are numerous ways to crack a wireless network’s encryption, but even simplistic methods can work. The website WPA Cracker, for example, can be used to hit a network with a brute force dictionary attack that simply throws random words at a secured wireless network to try and crack it. This method can take a long time, and sometimes requires luck on the hacker’s part, but it is often effective.

The first step in protecting yourself people hacking wireless networks is to use WPA encryption. WEP, the older encryption technology, has been completely de-constructed by hackers and is now considered quite easy to crack. The second step is the use of a long, highly randomized encryption key. Long, random encryption keys are a pain in the butt to remember, but they’re much harder to crack.

These are the three most common methods of hacking a wireless network, but they’re not the only ones. New exploits are found constantly, making it difficult to ever ensure that you are 100% protected.

How to Make Bootable USB Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7

Bootable USB Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 Maker | 14MB

Introducing the tool for Installing Windows For Your Netbooks, Notebooks, or desktop from USB Flash Drive

Instruction.( for Option 1 ONLY other Instruction Inside)

Note: If Required To format with HP Formatter use USB formatter and Donot Bypass the Instruction.

When Formatting Choose NTFS ( this is the Most Important part)

1.Install WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3
2.Follow the Instruction
3.Browse the Source XP cd
4.Click GO. ( note: when making bootable USB! dONT Press or check anything just GO only )
5.Wait until System Process Finished.

Before Installation

After Finished
1. Exit the USB.
2. Safety ReMoved

Final Installation for Setup

1. Insert to your Laptop or NetBook USB HUB!
2. In the BOOT SCREEN! bott from CD/DVD?USB. drive
3. Press Enter
***** the Screen will boot Dont Press anything let the program Run for Installation!!!
4. You will see that the System Prompt installing The PART - 1

Let System Continue and Do Not Press Any KEY until It Finished!

Google Chrome 5.0.375.127 Stable

 Google Chrome 5.0.375.127 Stable

Google Chrome - Web Browser production Google open source, which combines support for Web applications and easy search with high speed and stability. In Chrome used operating time Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. Of the features of Chrome developers all insist isolated tabs that prevent the failure of the program and provide more protection from dangerous sites. In addition, the Chrome introduces a new engine javascript V8, which enables the browser to work with Web applications, the new generation.

Google Chrome includes many functions, controlling which webmasters can improve the convenience for end users. In Google Chrome, embedded software for Gears, enabling webmasters to take advantage of the API, for example, the function of storage offline. In addition, Google Chromeyour web application does not differ from the "desktop" software, because the browser can run in a mode with the bare-bones user interface - which displays only one title.

Google Chrome also uses a completely new system of javascript (V8), which is much faster than existing interpreter javascript. This means that you can create more complex and detailed AJAX applications with fewer restrictions on speed and handling. One last thing: the Google Chromebrowser is based on WebKit, so Google Chrome users will be able to use functions CSS3, which will be added to WebKit after its official release.

"One box for everything
"Dynamic tabs
"Crash control
"Integration with Google Gears
"Incognito Mode
"Safe Browsing
"Multithreading and absence hangs browser
"Instant creation of bookmarks
"Import settings from other browsers
"Simplified process of loading
"Behind each tab a separate process is enshrined
"Using very simple and fast WebKit engine for rendering HTML
"Multilanguage Support and easy to use browser
"Timely update of program components

Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
Language: Multilanguage (Russian)
Released: 2010
Medicine: Not required
Size: 17.35 MB


Partition Wizard Professional Edition v5.2 - Portable

Partition Wizard Professional Edition v5.2 - Portable
Partition Wizard Professional Edition is a handy and powerful partition manager optimized for business environment. Partition WizardProfessional Edition is a magic partition software optimized for business environment with advanced features such as Merge Partition, Convert Dynamic disk to Basic disk and Change cluster size. Business users and system administrators can use our magic partition software to Resize and Move partitions, Merge Partition, Change Cluster Size, Copy Partition, Copy Disk, Create, Delete and Format partitions, Convert and Explorepartitions, Hide and Unhide partitions, Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk and much more.

Key features of "Partition Wizard Professional Edition":
· Resize/Move Partition: Easily resize/move partition without data loss.
· Create, Format, Delete Partition.
· Convert Partition format from FAT to NTFS.
· Hide and Unhide Partitions, set active partition, label drive letter.
· Merge Partition.
· Hot Extend Partition without reboot.
· Change cluster size without data loss.
· Support Linux Ext2, Ext3.
· Partition Copy: Copy entire partition to unallocated space with high performance file-by-file. moving technology. Backup or move data without any data loss.
· Partition Recovery: Scan disk to restore deleted or damaged partitions.
· Hard Disk Copy: Copy an entire disk to a different diskquickly and easily with data clone technology. Backup disk data without data loss.
· Visually demonstrate your disk/partition configuration to preview changes before apply.
· Support RAID.
· Support single disks or partitions larger than 2 TB
· Support up to 32 hard disks within one system.
· Set partition as primary.
· Set partition as logical.
· Rebuild MBR.
· Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk.
· Disk Surface Test.
· Partition Surface Test.
· Change Partition Serial Number.
· Change Partition Type ID.

What's new Version 5.2:
* Supports to manage removable disk
* Fixed Many Bugs.

LiveCD Windows XPE (17.08.2010)

Boot disk to restore functionality of the system. Includes tools for disc (chkdsk, work with partitions), editing the registry for the installed copy of Windows, antivirus software (AVZ, CureIt, McAfee Stinger, HiJackThis) with the bases of 17/08/2010, Far Manager.

The initial download is carried out in "easy" mode, without Explorer. If you prefer, you can download and from the menu. It is possible to connect a network at once, at startup disk (if the network card will be identified). As the functionality of assembly gives a professional product, but it is lacking in 90% of cases.

LiveCD Windows XPE (17.08.2010)
System Requirements:
* Recommended computer processor equipped with Intel Pentium / Celeron, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron or compatible 300 MHz or more (single or dual processor system). The minimum frequency processor - 233 MHz.
* Recommended 256 MB of RAM or more.
* 1.5 GB of free hard disk space.
* Monitor and Super VGA video adapter with 800 X 600 or higher.
* CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
* Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

CRC32: 3EA75931
MD5: 60424D2BE0D8C133410C359F33394530
SHA-1: BC4A9F3327E4D543D9EE8073FC9D80359EE36334 


Make Windows Look Like Mac OS X

We generally use Windows as it is widely spread in our country and we usually avoid to work on any other OS as then we will have to change all the tools which we used initially on our OS and then all the options in toolbar, menubar or in the context menu will change. But still there is a feature which are embedded in these OS, specially MAC OS which attracts us. Today i will be reviewing a tool which is nothing but a transformation pack knows as Snow Transformation Pack and will help you to take a taste of MAC OS with altering any feature of your Windows OS.
The most attracting feature of MAC OS is its looks and appearance which is very much cool to work on. This transformation pack will help you change all the appearance of the Windows to MAC OS and then your OS will look exactly similar to the Macintosh. All the folders icons, the scroll bar, title bar and many more features will be changed as per MAC OS.
8-14-2010 10-30-12 AM
This transformation will make you see the exact look of MAC, as the color and the style of your title mar, menu bar and scroll bar will change. Besides this you will also see that the taskbar has been shifted on the top and the start button which was represented by Windows sign has been replaced by Apple. The appearance of the desktop has been shown in the snapshot above. You will also have an additional feature knows as RV dock which will help you to launch some of the application with a click, it looks very beautiful and the the snapshot of this tool has been shown below.
8-14-2010 10-29-27 AM
The size of this freeware is around 30Mbs and it will take some time to get downloaded. As soon as you launch this tool it will show you the background image of the transformation pack, before initiating the installation it will tell you to switch OFF UAC and then it will tell you to reboot the system. After you you reboot it, it will install all the files and then after completing the installation it will again ask for the reboot. Now the next time you start your system it will show you the appearance of the MAC OS.
8-14-2010 9-00-22 AM
This tool is compatible on the all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

ASUS BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive Review

When it comes to choosing an optical drive sometimes it can be hard. A lot of people just choose the cheapest drive, but that is not always the best route. Today we will be looking at a new combo drive from ASUS that allows for Blu-ray playback and DVD/CD burning. It also has some really cool features like being able to encrypt your burnt discs with 128-bit encryption, True Theater High Definition which boosts DVD playback quality and Optimal Tuning Strategy which will perform a test before really burning a disc to generate an optimal burning strategy for the best burning quality. Let’s see if the BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive is right for you.
Special thanks to ASUS for providing us with the BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive to review.
Write SpeedDVD-R 16X,12X,8X,6X,4X
DVD-RW 6X,4X,2.4X
DVD+R 16X,12X,8X,6X,4X
DVD+RW 8X,6X,4X,2.4X
DVD+R(DL) 8X,6X,4X,2.4X
DVD-R (DL) 8X,6X,4X
CD-R 48X,40X,32X,24X,16X
CD-RW 32X,24X,16X,10X,4X
DVD-RAM 12X,10x,8x,6x,5X,3X,2X
Read SpeedBD-ROM/R/RE: 8 X max.
DVD-ROM (Single): 16 X max.
DVD-ROM (Dual): 12 X max.
DVD-RAM: 12 X max.
CD-ROM: 48 X max.
Access timeBD: 250 MS
DVD: 150 MS
CD: 150 MS
Writing ModeDVD-R & DVD-R(DL) DAO(Disc-At-Once)/Incremental Recording (Multi-Border Recording)
DVD-RW & DVD-RW (DL) DAO(Disc-At-Once)/Incremental Recording (Multi-Border Recording)/Sequential Recording (Multi-Session Recording)
DVD+R & DVD+R (DL) Incremental Recording (Multi-Border Recording)
DVD+RW & DVD+RW (DL) Random Recording
O/S CompatibilityWindows 2000
XP compatible
Vista compatible
Data Buffer2 MB
Disc FormatsWrite: DVD+/-RW,DVD+/-R,CD-R,CD-RW
Disc Diameters12cm/8cm
MTBF60000 Power On Hours
Operating Duty Cycle (Read) 20 % POH
Operating Duty Cycle (Write) 2 % POH
Mounting OrientationVertical and Horizontal ( +5 ° ~ -5 °)
Dimension(WxHxD)41.3x146x185 mm (W x D x H)
Weight650 g
Power RequirementsDC+5V ±5%,DC+12V ±10 %
TemperatureOperating: 5℃ to 50℃
Storage: -40℃ to 65℃
The BC-08B1ST comes in a very attractive retail package. On the front there is a picture of the drive and on the back there is an overview of the features.
ASUS BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive ASUS BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive
Opening up the box we can see that everything inside is nicely packaged and protected. Getting everything out we have the BC-08B1ST drive, ASUS BD Suite software and mounting screws.
ASUS BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive ASUS BC-08B1ST Blu-ray Combo Drive
Posted on 8/02/2010 01:23:00 AM | Categories: