LiveCD Windows XPE (17.08.2010)

Boot disk to restore functionality of the system. Includes tools for disc (chkdsk, work with partitions), editing the registry for the installed copy of Windows, antivirus software (AVZ, CureIt, McAfee Stinger, HiJackThis) with the bases of 17/08/2010, Far Manager.

The initial download is carried out in "easy" mode, without Explorer. If you prefer, you can download and from the menu. It is possible to connect a network at once, at startup disk (if the network card will be identified). As the functionality of assembly gives a professional product, but it is lacking in 90% of cases.

LiveCD Windows XPE (17.08.2010)
System Requirements:
* Recommended computer processor equipped with Intel Pentium / Celeron, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron or compatible 300 MHz or more (single or dual processor system). The minimum frequency processor - 233 MHz.
* Recommended 256 MB of RAM or more.
* 1.5 GB of free hard disk space.
* Monitor and Super VGA video adapter with 800 X 600 or higher.
* CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
* Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

CRC32: 3EA75931
MD5: 60424D2BE0D8C133410C359F33394530
SHA-1: BC4A9F3327E4D543D9EE8073FC9D80359EE36334 



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