Activate Instant Search In Google Chrome Canary Build

Google chrome is now present with a wonderful option of instant search. It is a google chrome enhancement for fast search results. It is a great news for ones who loves internet surfing and are more focused in the fast results. The instant search actually starts showing the result as soon as you start typing your search topic. Before you hit enter, the few results or instant results will be displayed. It makes your search very efficient and sometimes saves lot of your time.
Instant search is presently available only for the google chrome canary build but google chrome ensures that it will be soon available for other versions also. So, if you are not having the canary build you can easily download it. It is slightly different from the chrome version you might be using.
Download Google Chrome Canary Build
Program Manager_2010-10-04_22-31-20
To start with the instant search you have to make some modifications in the properties of the browser. Right click on the browser icon, go to properties.
Google Chrome Canary Build Properties_2010-10-04_21-48-27
As shown in the snapshot above, select the tab ‘Shortcut’. Go to the target field. Now, you just need to add command line flag –enable-match-preview. It has been clearly shown in the snapshot below.
Google Chrome Canary Build Properties_2010-10-04_21-49-32
Click on OK. Now your browser is ready for Instant Search option. Whatever you will type in the omnibar, browser will display the related search simultaneously. As you retype in the omnibar, the search results will also keep on changing side by side. It is very fast and thus makes the search very easy and helpful.
The utility will also prove beneficial for the person who has a slow typing speed but is very fast in reading the stuff. Sometimes, if you don’t know what is to be type to get the correct result. The Instant Search is very helpful in those cases as the few words will start showing the options.
In case, you don’t want to use the instant search any more, just change the settings in the properties to previous one. It will stop working. The instant search does not your internet connections or speed. Also, the search result will have the same ranking as it was earlier. These all properties make the utility efficient and cooperative for the user.
You can go through the video shown below to have a better understanding of Instant search. The video will help you in making the modifications in the properties as well as show you the amazing use of the browser.
The instant search results will surely prove to be of great interest for frequent internet users.
Activate Instant Search In Google Chrome Canary Build


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