iPhone 5 Leaked Details About Hardware

iPhone 4 is about to reach our country and now they have already started talking about iPhone 5. We mentioned some of the new features which were about to be introduced in new iPad2 which included its camera, high graphics and decrease in its thickness. Similarly Apple has leaked some of its information regarding their new iteration iPhone 5, which may attract you even more. In this post we will be talking little more about those features and how can they affect the market of smartphones.
Now Apple has decided that they will be increasing the size of their iPhone display for this new iteration. You must have observed that the biggest difference in an iPad and an iPhone is the difference in their screens and now Apple wants to reduce that difference. So, finally they decided that they will be amending the size of the iPhone display to 4 inches. Apart from this they are also planning to introduce AMOLED to their display, feather touch in Apple iPhones is quite exceptional and this amendment will add stars to it. Moreover they are planning to introduce a high power processor for their iPhones which is a A5 processor, right now you are having A4 processor in your iPhone 4 but this new iteration will be having a more powerful multi-core processor A5.
All the changes which have been discussed above are enough to lure a gadget geek to buy that phone and they are still successful to be a better contender in the market of smartphones, where Android phones are still struggling to get a display of 4 inches, Apple has jumped to 5 inches and the performance of these iPhones is increasing at a perfect rate as per the demands of the users.
We will keep you updated with any new changes found related to the configuration of iPhone 5 or any other topic which is related to it and anyhow if you get to know anything related to the news topics mentioned above then please do not hesitate to share it with us, just put it down in the comments section and if we found it genuine then we will be sharing that piece of information with all the other readers on your behalf, so keep searching something useful and then let us know about it. Till then keep reading and surfing.


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