Soon, new look Orkut

Who do you know?

We always want to improve the experience for our users. Therefore, based on feedback from you, we made some improvements in the look of Orkut. The changes will be implemented gradually, in approximately two weeks, starting with a few people. But you will not need to receive any invitation, gradually everyone will receive this update!

These are some of the improvements that you begin to see in the coming weeks:
  • Navigation menu on the left, so you have easier access to the resources they use most.
  • A higher profile picture, very requested by our users. Remember to climb a new picture with higher resolution.
  • New full view of the profile so your friends can see all your information, what you like, your stamps, statements, photos and videos recently.
  • New presentation of pictures in full screen.

Like it? Then visit our Community Officer at the address Orkut / orkutbrasil and give your opinion.

We have more surprises coming next month, including some new communities, and new limits for friends, pictures and video. Stay tuned on this blog to learn everything first hand!

Posted by Bárbara Veloso, user experience team


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