Orkut Attacked By Spam “Bom Sabado” But Those Using Older Version Of Orkut Not Affected

Few days back, I published about a news telling all my readers about the new spam which has been detected in Twitter and there I also mentioned a remedy for that spam. That spam was related to sending of Direct Message to all of your friends in the friend list. Now again a similar spam has been detected on Orkut and this spam has send lots of scraps and these messages are in Portuguese language.
Delete Orkut Account Cancel
Now we know that Orkut is widely famous in Brazil and it is expected that Orkut has been hacked from that country. The message which is being received is ‘Bom Sabado’ which means Happy Saturday. So, it can be easily concluded that Orkut has been hacked from that country and lets see that how much will Google take to resolve this issue. you can follow the steps mentioned, if you have been affected by this problem or XSS attack.
  • First of all change your version of Orkut, i.e. switch to the older version of orkut.
  • Then sign out of your account.
  • Now, delete the temporary files, browser’s cache and cookies. Sometimes it happens that by clicking on a link your cookie is transferred to the hackers location.
  • Login to your account again and then change the password of your account and also change the security question of your account.
As I already mentioned that not only Orkut, but Twitter and Youtube have already been effected. Not only this, but this word which has been written in the scrap is among one of the most top searched keyword these days. So next time if you see this word written in your scrap, then in no time you should get the idea that your account has been hacked.
So, the most appropriate action can be waiting for the response of Google and till then try your best to stay away from Orkut and need not to worry as we will be updating about this news again and again and you will know when this issue will be resolved. Meanwhile if you have any information regarding this news then please do not hesitate to write it in the comment section. We will be glad to share it. I hope that it will not affect the flow of Facebook, as I seldom use Orkut and prefer to go for Facebook instead. Have a nice day and Enjoy!!!


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