You need to have some unseeded plots on you farm to plant anything. If there are any, then all you need to do is select what to plant from the list of plants, check “Seed”-option and press “RUN NOW”-button. It is important to understand that the bot will automatically use all the unused beds at each reboot.HOW TO HARVEST
To make the bot harvest automatically, you need to check “Harvest”-option and press “RUN NOW”-button. The bot will harvest automatically. It also will try to harvest at every reboot.You also have an opportunity to stop the current bot’s task. To do this, press “STOP NOW”-button.
There is an opportunity to play independently in the program window. Press “BOT IS ON”-button (the caption on the button will changed on “BOT IS OFF”) and the bot will not interfere in your playing.
At any moment you can make a snapshot of your game, for example, to show your friends or add it on a forum. To do this you need to press “MAKE SNAPSHOT”-button and choose where to save a snapshot file (By the way, our forum – – has a special place where users show photos of their farms and discuss other people’s.).
The bot writes everything he does into two available spaces. It is very useful if you have problems with the program. In this case you have to ask a question on the forum. But we ask you before describing your problem try to find its solution on the forum. May be somebody has already encountered this problem. If you found nothing, describe your problem in detail and attach ProgramsLog.txt to your message.
At the “Pro”-tab on can find additional features of the program – settings, information about your farm and plug-in mechanism, which considerably extends program opportunities.
At the first tab you can turn off messages at the bottom of the window. You can exclude some objects from the harvest process. To do this you have to enter object’s itemName into the “EXCLUDE LIST”. Also you can set a bot restart interval in minutes and choose a game start site.PLUG-INS
Plug-in mechanism is a very important opportunity to enhance program capabilities.There several ready plug-ins with the bot, but if you know the PHP language, then you yourself can create a plug-in to this bot. To use the plug-in click on its name, set options, press “ADD TASK”-button and then press “RUN NOW”-button.STANDARD PLUG-INS DESCRIPTION
BuyTool.php – gives you an opportunity automatically buy tens, hundreds and even thousands of objects for your farm. For example, if you have coins you can buy thousand trees, animals, etc.DeleteTool.php – gives you an opportunity to delete objects and plots from your farm.
EchangeTool.php – mechanism that gives you an opportunity to exchange coins for experience.
GetXml.php – gives you an opportunity to load gameSettings.xml.
NeighborsTool.php – do missions for your neighbors, fertilize their farms and feeding their chicken coops.
OutSideFIX.php – gives you an opportunity to delete objects outside of your farm.
PlowTool.php – gives you an opportunity to atomize plowing process at your farm (Be very careful, because PLOW OVER EXISTS function can block your farm. If you do not understand to the end what it is necessary for, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PLUG-IN).
RecoveryTool.php – this utility gives you an opportunity to restore the farms, that were blocked because the user exceeded objects limit on the farm. You need to run this utility and wait the end of its work. It will remove part of your objects. And by the way it can work by hours
SellTool.php – gives you an opportunity to sell objects from the farm.
SuperPlow.php – this utility can block your farm FOREVER. If you do not understand what it does, DO NOT USE IT.
TractorTool.php – gives you an opportunity to plow and plant with the help of tractors. Do not forget to buy them, and keep an eye on fuel.
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