Infinite USB Concept

One of the limitations in your laptop is the lack of  USB ports in proportion to the number of devices you would like to connect, the two or three USB ports your laptop afford are aren’t enough. For such lack of ports here is a Infinite USB concept that can be stacked one on other.  Infinite USB is just a concept for time being. The different colors of the USB device makes it easy to identify which device is connected to the port.
However there is a serious problem with this Infinite concept. The USB devices are stacked one on another, unplugging the first USB device means unplugging all the devices which causes some frustration if you are in middle of transferring files or backing up your hard drive :-D .
Here is a screen shot how the Infinite USB concept looks like.
b5162x Infinite USB Concept
aym6g0 Infinite USB Concept


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