Open, View XLS, PPTX, AL, PSD, SVG, TTF, XPS, PS Files In Google Docs

Microsoft Office is mostly used by the users when they are working offline and now a days people love to use Google Docs for the online editing and the storage of the documents. Google Docs have given the ease of handling the documents online. Most of the users now go for using this online web-service of Google for opening and viewing the PDF files. In short I would say that it getting popular at a very high rate and now when Microsoft has also released their online version of the tool, it becomes mandatory for Google to equip Google Docs with some extra features so that the can facilitate the Microsoft Office users.
Google Docs now has some new formats of file or I should say that they have expanded their range of compatibility for the document formats. 12 new file type formats have been added on Google Docs and it is more versatile than ever. Let us take a look at all the new formats introduced in Google Docs.
  • Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX)
  • Apple Pages (.PAGES)
  • Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
  • Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
  • Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
  • PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
  • TrueType (.TTF)
  • XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
If you have got any of these file formats attached on your mail at Gmail then now you will see a ‘View’ option in front of those files and then you will be able to view them in the Google Docs viewer. This will facilitate the users to feel more comfortable while working on Google Docs as now they have more formats for which we can use this web service. Competition has already started between Microsoft online Office 2010 and Google Docs, lets see what will be the results.
So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and suggestion or if you have got anything new related to this post then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!

Posted on 2/26/2011 05:58:00 PM | Categories: ,

Orkut Giving Movie Passes On 19th and 20th Feb

By the title of this post You must have got an idea that Orkut is distributing the tickets of latest movies on these weekends but till now in India these are restricted only to Mumbai. It is a nice marketing strategy adopted by Orkut to increase their popularity. Orkut is already very popular in Brazil and after Facebook they can be considered as the another best social networking website in our country. But in this post we will be talking about this new feature of Orkut which can help you to get a movie ticket of the latest movie released on this weekend.
We have mentioned the link at the bottom of the post, you will just have to go to that page and then you will have to type the review of a movie, put any comment or write any of the funny innovative story from your side. Put any of these mentioned above on that page and then you might be lucky to win that award. Well I will say that it is a nice strategy to make their webpage popular as most of the users will be putting their comments on the posts of that webpage for the movie tickets.
This is no just once thy will be doing so every week and then they will be including all the states from the country but this might take sometime. This time Mumbaikars are lucky to have this offer in their state, so share this with your friends so that you can put your efforts in combination for the efficiency of getting the prize. Please mention your name here if you manage to get the movie tickets.
So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and suggestion or if you have got anything new related to this post then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!

Posted on 2/20/2011 01:50:00 PM | Categories:

Remove, Block Any Website To Appear In Google Search Results [For Google Chrome]

Sometimes Google introduces some new features on their web services and sometimes they do the same with the help of the extensions on their Google Chrome browser. Now these services are confined to only those users who use Google Chrome while browsing the internet. By taking a look at the snapshot given below you must have got the idea of the feature which I am going to talk about in this post. I will be helping you to avail this feature with the help of an extension.
Now you can easily block any website to show their results in the Google Search results. You must have observed that while searching anything on Rapidshare or on Megauploads, then there are many sites who do not display the relevant result and this wastes your time. So, if you do not want to see their results in the Google results then I will prefer you use this extension.
The link to install this extension has been given at the end of the post. Just click that click and you will be directed to a page from where you can install this extension and then use it. After getting it installed, type anything on Google search you will see the same extra options in the results as mentioned in the snapshot shown above. If you want to block the results from that particular site then just click that option and then you will not be seeing the results from the site ever again and if you want to unblock the site then click on the icon of the extension and then click the unlock option of that extension.
So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and suggestion or if you have got anything new related to this post then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!
Posted on 2/18/2011 04:55:00 PM | Categories: ,

iPhone 5 Leaked Details About Hardware

iPhone 4 is about to reach our country and now they have already started talking about iPhone 5. We mentioned some of the new features which were about to be introduced in new iPad2 which included its camera, high graphics and decrease in its thickness. Similarly Apple has leaked some of its information regarding their new iteration iPhone 5, which may attract you even more. In this post we will be talking little more about those features and how can they affect the market of smartphones.
Now Apple has decided that they will be increasing the size of their iPhone display for this new iteration. You must have observed that the biggest difference in an iPad and an iPhone is the difference in their screens and now Apple wants to reduce that difference. So, finally they decided that they will be amending the size of the iPhone display to 4 inches. Apart from this they are also planning to introduce AMOLED to their display, feather touch in Apple iPhones is quite exceptional and this amendment will add stars to it. Moreover they are planning to introduce a high power processor for their iPhones which is a A5 processor, right now you are having A4 processor in your iPhone 4 but this new iteration will be having a more powerful multi-core processor A5.
All the changes which have been discussed above are enough to lure a gadget geek to buy that phone and they are still successful to be a better contender in the market of smartphones, where Android phones are still struggling to get a display of 4 inches, Apple has jumped to 5 inches and the performance of these iPhones is increasing at a perfect rate as per the demands of the users.
We will keep you updated with any new changes found related to the configuration of iPhone 5 or any other topic which is related to it and anyhow if you get to know anything related to the news topics mentioned above then please do not hesitate to share it with us, just put it down in the comments section and if we found it genuine then we will be sharing that piece of information with all the other readers on your behalf, so keep searching something useful and then let us know about it. Till then keep reading and surfing.
Posted on 2/18/2011 04:55:00 PM | Categories:

Engadget Posted False Images Of New Nokia Windows Phone 7

One of the most popular news these days is about the joining the hands of Steve Ballmer and Steve Elops. People are talking about the new phone from Nokia with Windows Phone 7 and this makes them curious to search any of the image released on internet related to that new prototype. If you are a regular visitor Engadget then you must have seen the prototype of that new phone, but I have updated information regarding that image, which you saw there. In this post we will be talking about them.
By the title of this post you must have got an idea that the images of that prototype mentioned on that website were fake and the reasons which state them are also mentioned below. So do not get misguided by those posted images on Engadget. The reasons to believe that why those images are fake has been mentioned as follows:-
  • The NOKIA logo which can be seen on that back of the image seems to be edited by Photoshop as Nokia never displays their logo in this manner, or I should say that they usually the name of the series of the phone is written 0on the right top corner.
  • The camera of the Nokia phones are never enclosed in a vertical window rather they are always in square shape and there is no hole besides the camera.
  • Now just have a careful look at the audio jack, you know this difference can be easily observed by you as the audio jack in that image is not 3.5 mm, rather it seems that it is some sort of huge hole which has been allotted for some other reason or purpose.
I will just comment that Engadget should take care of these flaws and should prevent them from being happening in future. So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and suggestion or if you have got anything new related to this post then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!
Posted on 2/15/2011 09:13:00 PM | Categories:

Show Via iPhone 5, iPad or Any Device In Your Facebook Status

Do you love to fool your friends around by updating false status on Facebook? Well I have got a nice prank for you and believe me that no one will be able to catch you. People love to tell their friends when they a new gadget like a new phone, a new tablet device or any other gizmo, but if you want to do so (even if you have not bought anything) then I would say that this new application on Facebook can help you with it. In this post I will be telling you that how you can use that application to fool around your friends.
The only authentication which proves that you have that gizmo is uploading a snap of that device or updating your status with the help of that device, where you will see a small line below the status update telling everybody that the status has been updated with the help of that device. Example:- If you want to tell others that you have an iPad then you can update your status with the help of iPad and this will put a line below your status stating that ‘This status has been updated by iPad few minutes ago’. I can help you to get this line even if you have not used that device to update your status.
Just click that link mentioned below and then you will be directed to another application on Facebook which can help you to do the same as mentioned above, you can take a look at the application in the snapshot shown above, the link mentioned below and the application snapshot shown above are only for iPad, but once you are on that page you can select other applications for Blackberry, iPhone or other device as shown in the list. You will have to enter the text for the status in the text box and then click the button highlighted in the snapshot, then your status will be updated. Now just wait for your friends to get surprised and comment on your status.
So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and the changes effected by this information on your daily internet routine or if you have got anything new related to this then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!
[Source: Copy Past Blog]
Posted on 2/10/2011 06:14:00 PM | Categories:

Create, Open Google Docs With Desktop Shortcut

When we talk about editing any document offline then Microsoft Word is considered as the best tool for doing so but when we talk about doing so online then I must say that the most reliable online tool will be Google Docs, where now a days most of the users rely for editing their documents online. You can upload different typed on documents on your Google account and then you can edit them or share that file among different users. But the only problem is that if I want to use it then I will have to open the browser and then I will have to enter the URL which will take me to that page for editing the docs online.
In this post I will be talking about the solution which can help you to open Google Documents with the help of double clicking the shortcuts available on your desktop, as if they are installed on your system. Just follow the steps mentioned below and you will be able to do the same mentioned above.
  • Create the shortcut as shown in the snapshot below. Select the shortcut option in the context menu of the Desktop.
  • You can create shortcuts for 4 types of different types of Google Documents, i.e. Docs, Spreadsheet, presentation and Drawing. So I will be giving you the links for all these different types of document. You can create a separate shortcut for each of them by pasting the link in the dialogue box shown below in the snapshot. I have done the same for ‘Docs’, you can do the same by repeating the link mentioned above.
    Google Docs:
    Google Spreadsheet:
    Google Presentation:
    Google Drawing:
  • Now after pasting the link in the dialogue box, you can name the shortcut as mentioned in the snapshot below.
That’s it the shortcut is ready and now you can use it simply by double clicking that shortcut. If it does not open for the first time and shows 404 to you then you can open this link manually and then check after doing so I think the problem of that 404s will resolve for sure. This was the problem faced by me while using this link.
So, go on sharing this piece of information with your friends and then please let us know about your own views and the changes effected by this information on your daily internet routine or if you have got anything new related to this then just put them down in the comments sections and we will be glad to share it with all the readers on your behalf (if we found it genuine and useful). I am sure that this will really help you to work intelligently on internet. So, keep reading and surfing!!!
[ Source ToThePC ]

Transparent, See Through Windows Lock Screen [For Windows 7 & Later]

Locking your system before going anywhere is very necessary so that anyone else cannot use your system in your absence. Most common way to lock your system is by pressing “Windows logo key + L”. As soon as you press this key, you will be taken to system logon screen and you will be unable to see the background activities, which could be copying some file, playing of video, chat app and many more. However, if you have programs running on your system that you want others to see while you are away but without giving them access to the system, try ClearLock.
ClearLock is a small size freeware application that provides transparent layer to your desktop allowing others to see which programs are running on your system and at the same time prevent access to your system without proper password. It barely consumes main memory of your system.
1-28-2011 6-59-40 PM
First of all download this application from the link given at the end of this article. As it is a portable app, so need to install. Just click on ClearLock.exe to run it. When you will run this application for the first time on your system, it will ask for the password, once you have entered the password, it gets saved. Now your system desktop will be locked. You can see the programs running but will be unable to access as it will ask for correct password to have access to your system. If you enter invalid password for three times then you will be unable to enter password for the next five minutes.
However, if you forgot the password you entered before, don’t panic, just go to ClearLock folder and delete .ini file to reset the password. Next time you will run this app, you can set new password.
ClearLock is a freeware application and is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7.

iPhone 4 India Launching With BSNL

Finally, Apple seems to have turned its attention towards the high potential Indian market. Last week, Apple officially launched the iPad in India, which even though is too little, too late, but is a step in a positive direction. A lot of Indian people have already purchased the iPad from various unauthorized sources, and have been enjoying it (albiet without support from Apple).
Soon after the launch, BSNL officially announced 3G data plans for the iPad, which is the first time that an Apple-BSNL connection has officially been recognized. Whether Apple officially endorses BSNL as a data carrier for the iPad is unclear.
But the most exciting news that could’ve come out for an Apple fan living in India, is that the iPhone 4 could be coming soon to India, via BSNL as an official carrier.
This news comes from My Mobile Scoop, who claim to have talked to a source inside BSNL. The source says that Apple will be launching the iPhone 4 in India within a month with BSNL as an official carrier. He further claims that data plans that have been introduced for the iPad, will also be valid for the iPhone 4 (though it is unclear right now if the portable hotspot feature will be available).
The source refused to comment on whether or not the iPhone 4 would be sold locked under contract with BSNL (though it seems highly unlikely that Apple will agree to officially sell unlocked phones in India). No comments have been made on the expected pricing of the phone in India, though we can certainly expect it to be cheaper than the price Vodafone and Airtel are currently offering the iPhone 3GS at.
This is certainly a great news for Indian customers who have been waiting patiently for Apple to launch the iPhone 4 in India, and what could be better than the most reliable and cheap 3G data provider in the country, BSNL. Hopefully, MTNL will also offer the iPhone 4 in Delhi and Mumbai, along with BSNL.
Posted on 2/03/2011 11:53:00 AM | Categories:


Hi friends now wait is over.Now you are a freedom bird to change your operator as per your wish.Ya there is only 3 hours more to change your operator without changing your favorite and lucky number.The process of changing the telecom operator without changing the mobile number is calledMobile Number Portability.After a long time discussion among Telecom Operators In India and the TRAI it has been officially announced to launch on 20th January 2011.The major telecom Operators in India are overcome to get the New customers through MNP with attractive tariff offers and value added services.
Let us discuss about the MNP:

What IS MNP:
It is facility for the Indian telecom customers which allows to change the Mobile operator with your existing mobile number.
Does anyone can enjoy the benefit of MNP:
No,all of the mobile customers cannot enjoy the benefit of MNP.The minimum requirement to change the operator,if he/she has been with the operator for at least 90 days.
I'm Interested,What is the Procedure?
To begin the MNP process you need the UPC(Unique Porting Code).To get the UPC code you need to send the message as PORT 10 Digit Mobile Number and send it to 1900.You will be charged 1rs for sending this SMS
PORT 9894098940 and send it to 1900.
You will get alpha-numeric Unique Porting Code with the expiration date of it.
Now just visit the nearer Operator Outlet which you are going to change.They will give you one form which costs you Rs.19 and attach your ID proof with it,follow the instructions given by them.
When you submitted the required applications,you will get the new operator SIM with in 1 week.Your connection will be interrupted for only 2 hours.It may normally happens during 12.00 midnight to 5am.So this time mayn't inconvenience for you.
After you get the New SIM card you may throw the old SIM card to the dust bin.When you bought new SIM card,you can't change to another operator immediately until the time period of 90 days.
Vote for the Telecom Operator which you would like to leave:

Now the Power is In your Hand,Now you can enjoy the fresh Telecom operator for every 90 days.Hats Off to TRAI for this Fantastic Mobile Number Portability.