New Privacy features on Orkut – Is It Too Late?

If you start a hashtag called privacy on Twitter, I am sure It will become a trend in no time. Come on, everyone in the world is talking about privacy, as an infant gets excited about a new toy. Latest to join the bandwagon is the almost forgotten but trying hard to get back social networking site, a product of the internet giant Google, our very own Orkut. It started with Facebook facing backlash over privacy and the subsequent changes in control. The average user these days is aghast about privacy as he discovers that his personal information is being used against his wishes. He fumes in rage and starts raising voices against these social networking sites. The result – the sites come out with new features to pacify the wrath to an extent.
One feature of Orkut that set it apart from Facebook was the scrap feature. In fact, this was one of the reasons for the downfall of Orkut. Random people started spamming and users felt the need to ascend to another platform and in came Facebook with the Wall feature where only friends could post. When many people migrated to Facebook, Orkut received a makeover which people have dubbed as copying Facebook. Now, in the latest addition, Orkut has introduced some new features to its scrap.
Firstly, scraps will now be shown on the profile for easier access to recent updates. Public scraps will be shown on both the people’s profiles and when others comment on it, the entire conversation will be shown on the third person’s profile too. I don’t know about you, but this has an uncanny resemblance to wall posts on Facebook!
The second feature caters to privacy. This new feature is called private scraps. No longer do you have to send a testimonial to engage in a private conversation. To start a private conversation, just send them a scrap and select the option so that only that person can see it. The recipient can also reply back, creating a private conversation. Also, Orkut has introduced new and easier privacy options in the settings tab.
No one doubts that these features are indeed going to better the user experience. The question remains whether such new features will attract users to start using Orkut again. Orkut, with numerous users, is still a platform worth taking seriously. What do you think? Will new features like these revive Orkut? Or are these desperate attempts of a sinking ship?


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