Now Upload Photos To Orkut From Picasa – A Move Towards Killing Orkut?

Google has launched a new feature(which is not acopy of it’s competitor) on their social networking website Orkut by which you can directly upload photos to your Orkut profile and albums right from Picasa – Google’s desktop based photo editing and management tool. Social networks like Orkut are the best place to put up your photos and show them to your friends and get comments on the photos. But at times, the photos we take aren’t quite ready for sharing and need some editing which involves transfering them to a computer for editing and then logging on to orkut to upload them to an album. Such a lengthy process!
But now with the help of a cool extension, you can directly upload photos to Orkut from Picasa. All you need to do is just install an orkut button on your Picasa program by downloading the free‘Share photos on orkut’ plugin. This plugin (for Windows or Mac) makes sharing your photos with your friends as easy as clicking a button. Detailed instructions on downloading, setting up the plugin and configuring your Orkut account to be accessed by Picasa can be found on this officialblog post from Google.
All this is so good and infact it really reduces the lengthy process of editing photo and then opening orkut to upload them. But wait, won’t this hamper the growth of Orkut in terms of pageviews? Definitely, earlier users had to log into their orkut accounts via a browser to upload photos, but now it is available right from a desktop client (Picasa in this case). Also, there is a possibility in the future that Orkut might make Album photos viewable right from Picasa itself and may be with the comments too. Orkut should really buck up as Facebook has already overtaken Orkut in India. Although this is a good move from users’ point of view but we feel, Orkut is killing itself to some extent… but only time will tell whether we are taking a wrong side of this story or Orkut!


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