How To Copy And Move Files In Windows7

Moving and copying files? — We’re not noobs! But things have changed in Windows7. When you click and drag a file or folder what happens is not always the same.
* Click and Drag on the same drive or partition – The default is to move the files or folders.
* Click and Drag to different drive letters – The default is to copy.
If you want a different action than the default, you can do the normal click on a file(s) or folder(s) then Control C to copy, Control X to cut and Control V to paste the files to the new location, same as before.
* Control Click and Drag to same drive letter = Copy (instead of move)
* Control Click and Drag to different drive letter = Copy (no change)
* Alt Click and Drag will always create a shortcut on the destination drive or folder.
Confused yet?
What if I can’t remember all of that? All you have to remember is – select your files or folders and RIGHT Click, then drag. Don’t just right click and let go, right click and drag. Once you’re at the desired destination, let go and a short menu pops up asking if you want to move, copy or create a short cut for the selected and dragged files.
Move Minimized Programs to the Notification Area
There are a still a few programs that don’t behave correctly in Windows 7. They don’t crash but they don’t act and like other programs. Take for instance Windows Messenger. It want’s to take up space on the taskbar while it’s minimized instead of moving itself into the Notification Area.
Skype is another program that does that. If it’s running in the background it’s taking up space on the taskbar.
To move those programs into the Notification Area right click on the program’s shortcut icon or the program listing in the start menu, either way.
* Click on Properties
* then the Compatibility Tab.
* Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for:
* Choose Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)
* Click OK
Start the program, minimize normally and enjoy the extra space on the taskbar. This definitly works on Skype and Windows Messenger and should work on other programs that used to minimize to the Notification Area in Vista and XP, but don’t in Windows 7.


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